Dedicated Outdoor Air System
The Centifugal Upblast Exhaust Fans can be used from storage rooms to hood exhaustion to smoke control.
The Dedicated Outdoor Air System is the ultimate solution for returning air into your space. These units are capable of both 100% outdoor air (OA) or a mixture of indoor return air and outdoor air. The advanced design of these units enables them to cool even the hottest summer air tens of degrees, making it cool, dry, and comfortable. The substantial cooling provided by a DOAS allows them to even take the place of your kitchen RTU performing double duty by returning make-up air to the hood as well as cooling your kitchen.

Some of the applications include;
- Restaurants – With the large heat loads created in a commercial kitchen, a DOAS is perfect for keeping your kitchen not only balanced but cool as well.
- Warehouses – Conditioned warehouses with exhaust hoods will find a huge benefit to the large amounts of conditioned outdoor air provided by the DOAS.
- RTU Replacement – Traditional Roof Top Units and not designed for much outdoor air, this can make building balance while cooling difficult. The DOAS allows for lots of outdoor air while maintaining the same cooling and dehumidifying benefits of an RTU.
- Hospitals – DOAS units allow for 100% outdoor air to be provided to patient areas without mixing potentially contagious air with the rest of the HVAC system.
The DOAS unit is the only all-in-one solution for 100% outdoor air, or mixed air, to maintain your building balance while achieving excellent cooling capacities. These units are available in a wide range of tonnage and cfm. They also come complete with temperature sensors, humidistats, and even barometric sensors to automatically adjust to the ever-changing balance of your building. The DOAS unit is immediately ready to integrate into your buildings BMS or monitored through standalone software without any additional components needed.
Talk To A Pro
Maintaining building balance without affecting the cooling capacity can be the largest challenge faced by the HVAC industry. Let us help you achieve that balance without sacrificing comfort.