Exhaust Fans Utility Sets
We offer one of the best supply belts system that you can find in the market.
Service Introduction
The Utility set exhaust fan is the most robust and dependable fan on the market today. Constructed of high-grade steel, high-temperature bearings, and an in-direct motor, these workhorses can vent even the highest levels of grease and smoke particles from the air. In addition to their robust design, they have a high static pressure capability enabling them to pull large amounts of air, vast distances without a loss in performance.

This section highlights the area of application. They entail:
- Solid Fuel Cooking – Solid fuel (Oak, Mesquite, charcoal, etc) generates large amounts of heat and grease. Utility sets are specially designed to withstand these harsh conditions while maintaining reliable performance year after year.
- Heavy Duty / High Volume Kitchens – Restaurants and commercial kitchens with high levels of grease containment, or kitchen running long hours will benefit greatly from the robust design and high durability of these units.
- Large / Complex Ventilation Systems – Utility sets are exceptional at moving both large and small volumes of air across long distances or through complex duct systems.
- Pollution Control Units – The high static pressure generated by the multiple stages of filtration in a pollution control unit (PCU) require a strong fan to pull the air though. Utility sets can provide an excellent solution for a PCU or other high static pressure environments.
The robust steel design along with high-temperature components creates the most dependable exhaust fan available today. These units are available in a vast array of sizes and airflow capacities from ventilating small soldering tables to 100 ft cooklines, there is no application a utility set cannot handle.
Why you should choose us for utility sets
Achieving proper ventilation can be a complicated task. Our team of professionals will evaluate your situation, airflow requirements, static pressures, available voltages, and controls to give you the best option for your application and budget.